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“1+X” training program for family doctors to be launched

In future, family doctors in Ningbo will master many skills while specializing in one, They will be able to provide the overall health care services for residents both as family doctors and health managers, psychological counselors, nutritionists or recovery therapists. 
This is the goal of the “1+X” training program for family doctors. According to the “announcement on strengthening the on-the-job training for general practitioners”, by 2015, over 75% of the general practitioners in the community hospitals will have received the training to improve their health management capacity. The trainees will include all the general practitioners, and even public health doctors and the general nurses. When they complete the required courses, the trainees will attend the professional skill assessment, and the qualified ones will receive certificates. 
According to statistics, Ningbo has launched the grass-roots health personnel quality promotion project in 2006, and the grass-roots health personnel construction planning in 2011. The financial departments at all levels allocated special funds for the training projects, and the municipal financial departments have been spending over three million yuan each year. By the end of June this year, the program has trained 292 rural community doctors, 4515 provincial general practitioners, and 3472 provincial community nurses. Since 2011, 120 backbone general practice teachers, 65 backbone comprehensive grass-roots public health doctors, 180 public health personnel and over 900 medical technicians (for examination, electrocardiogram, radiology and ultrasound). In 2012, Ningbo issued the “implementation planning for further education and training for grass-roots health and technical staff”, involving over 10,500 grass-roots health and technical personnel. So far, the training work in Ningbo ranks high in the whole province, with an average of 5.85 general practitioner and 4.2 community nurses per million urban and rural residents.

Flu season less harsh than last year

The seasonal influenza is less harsh that the previous year, said Ningbo City Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) this Tuesday.

According to Yi Bo, director of CDC's Department of Communicable Disease Prevention, Ningbo's hospitals at municipal-level received more outpatients with upper respiratory tract infections in recent days, but the number is below the level of the same period in 2012. The monitored hospitals received a daily average of 600 flu patients recently. The number usually fluctuates between 400 to 600 while it reached 1,200 during the peak period last year.

Data released by influenza surveillance stations show that the number of patients with influenza symptoms does not increase over the same period in the previous two years. The CDC so far hasn't discovered influenza virus from the specimens of influenza yet.

The local CDC suggested the public, particularly the elderly and children, keeping their houses well ventilated and avoiding crowd whenever possible during the flu season. The CDC also urged children, the elderly and medical workers to get vaccinated for the upcoming flu season

Ningbo realized complete coverage of medical insurance

Ningbo has realized complete coverage of medical insurance. According to Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, in 2012, the number of citizens participating in medical insurance exceeds 1.03 million covering 96% of the whole population. This indicates that the city has realized the target set in the 12th Five-Year Plan, with complete coverage of medical insurance.

With the steady improvement of the social security system, The medical insurance system is more attractive to the urban residents. In 2012, Ningbo included the people whose land is requisitioned in the medical insurance system. "In September 2012, the medical insurance for urban citizens was integrated at the municipal-level and thus the medical insurance policy for the urban citizens was unified. This year, Ningbo will popularize the "universal card" for medical expenditure settlement," said a related person of Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Labor and Social Security. All these steps have laid the foundation for the complete coverage of the medical insurance system for urban citizens.

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Ningbo has over 3,000 Ph.Ds

According to the annual meeting of Ningbo Ph.D Federation opened the other day, in the last year, the number of Ph.Ds and post Ph.Ds increased by 234, and the city has now over 3,000 Ph.Ds. Zhang Minghua, Vice Mayor of Ningbo and Honorary President of the Federation attended to the meeting.

Zhang Leming, President of Ningbo Ph.D Federation and Vice Secretary-general of Ningbo Municipal Government said that when the federation was founded, Ningbo had only several dozens of Ph. Ds but the number has kept increasing. Today the federation has 1,500 members. The federation has set up branches in Ningbo Institute of Technology of Zhejiang University, Beilun District and Jiangbei District.

Smart health and safety network to attain full-coverage

It is learned on September 3 from Ningbo Health Bureau that as an important part of smart health and security system, the regional imaging-centralized diagnosis system has been established in Ningbo. So far, the system has covered over 80% of the township hospitals in Ningbo.

The smart health and security system is the first pilot project of the top ten smart city systems to be established during the 12th Five-year Plan period and one of the first pilot projects of "Smart Zhejiang". According to the planning, to address such problems as difficulty of seeking medical treatment, high cost of treatment and unbalanced medical resources distribution, Ningbo will achieve computerization of health affairs and hospital services, digitalization of public health management, sharing of citizen health information, intensification of medical resources utilization and integration of health and medical information services. After two years of development, the smart health network has been established and the citizens are getting quality and convenient medical services.

In August 2010, the unified medical appointment registration platform was put into operation, providing online appointment registration for 16 major hospitals. The patients can make an appointment with a medical specialist online and pay through mobile phones. "Within only two years, the daily registration number increased from less than 300 to over 6000, and the total number has reached one million." said Zou Mingfei, Vice-director of Ningbo Health Bureau. Based on the platform, from this year, people can make medical appointments with hospital specialists in their own communities. In addition, people can have access to such information as their own clinical record, medication record, results of medical examination and discharge summary anytime and anywhere through the platform. Currently, the platform has covered all the medical institutions in all the three major districts. By the first half of next year, all the medical institutions in other towns and districts will be included in the platform, and people can have access to the information of their treatment record in any hospital in Ningbo.

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