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Information about Virus -English-



Public Prevention of Pneumonia Caused by Novel Coronavirus



The pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus is a newly-found disease from which the public should strengthen prevention. In order to help foreigners understand and master the relevant knowledge of prevention, National Immigration Administration has compiled and  translated this guide according to the Public Prevention Notes provided by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.


  1. Reduce outdoor activities as much as possible


  1. Avoid visiting areas where the disease is prevalent.


  1. It is recommended to make less visits to relatives and friends and dining together during the epidemic prevention and control, and stay at home as much as possible.


  1. Try to avoid visits to crowded public areas, especially places of poor ventilation, such as public bathrooms, hot springs, cinemas, internet bars, Karaokes, shopping malls, bus/train stations, airports, ferry terminals and exhibition centers, etc.


  1. Personal Protection and Hand Hygiene


  1. It is recommended that a mask shall be worn when going out. A surgical or N95 mask shall be worn when visiting public areas, hospitals or taking public transportation.


  1. Keep your hands sanitized. Try to avoid touching public objects and parts in public areas. After returning from public areas, covering your cough, using the restroom, and before meals, please wash your hands with soap or liquid soap under running water, or use alcoholic hand sanitizer. Avoid touching your mouth, nose or eyes when you are unsure whether your hands are clean or not. Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow when sneeze or cough.


III. Health Monitoring and Seeking Medical Attention


  1. Monitor the health conditions of your family members and yourself. Measure your temperatures when you feel like having a fever. If you have kid(s) at home, touch the kid’s forehead in the morning and at night. Measure the kid’s temperature in case of fever.


  1. Wear a mask and seek medical attention at nearby hospitals in case of suspicious symptoms. Go to medical institution in a timely manner in case of the suspicious symptoms relating to the pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus are found. Such symptoms include fever, cough, pharyngalgia, chest distress, dyspnea, mildly poor appetite, feebleness, mild lethargy, nausea, diarrhea, headache, palpitation, conjunctivitis, mildly sore limb or back muscles, etc. Try to avoid taking metro, bus and other public transportation and visiting crowded areas. Tell the doctor your travel and residence history in epidemic areas, and who you met after you got the disease. Cooperate with your doctor on the relevant queries.


  1. Keep Good Hygiene and Health Habits


  1. Frequently open the windows of your house for better ventilation.


  1. Do not share towels with your family members. Keep your home and tableware clean. Sun-cure your clothes and quilts often.


  1. Do not spit. Wrap your oral and nasal secretion with tissue and throw it in a covered dustbin.


  1. Balance your nutrition and exercise moderately.


  1. Do not touch, buy or eat wild animals (gamey). Try to avoid visiting markets that sell live animals.


  1. Prepare thermometer, surgical or N95 masks, domestic disinfectant and other supplies at home.



Information in French


Mesures de prévention recommandées au public contre la pneumonie causée par le nouveau coronavirus



La pneumonie causée par le nouveau coronavirus est une maladie récemment détectée, dont la prévention du public est à renfocer. Afin d’aider les étrangers à connaître les mesures pertinentes de la prévention, le Bureau National d’Immigration a établi et traduit le présent guide selon les mesures de prévention recommandées au public par le Centre de contrôle et de prévention des maladies en Chine.

I. Minimiser les sorties

1. Éviter d'aller dans des régions où l'épidémie est en flambée.

2. Il est recommandé de réduire les visites entre des parents et des amis, et de rester à la maison pour se reposerpendant la période de prévention et de contrôle d’épidémie.

3. Minimiser les activités dans des lieux publics où il y a du monde, surtout les endroits mal ventilés tels que les bains publics, les thermaux, les cinémas, les cybercafés, les KTV, les centres commerciaux, les gares, les aéroports, les ports et les halls d'expositions etc.

II. Protection personnelle et hygiène des mains

1. Il est recommandé de porter un masque lors de vos sorties. Porter des masques chirurgicaux médicaux ou des masques N95 lors des sorties dans des lieux publics, ou pour des soins médicaux et dans les transports en commun.

2. Maintenir l'hygiène des mains. Minimiser le contact avec les biens et les objets publics; Laver les mains avec du savon ou du savon liquide et de l'eau courante, ou utiliserun désinfectant avec alcool pour nettoyer vos mains après avoir retourné des lieux publics, couvert la bouche avec les mains lors de la toux, avant et après les repas et après les toilettes; Eviter de toucher le nez, la bouche et les yeux si vous n'êtes pas sûr de l'hygiène de vos mains; Couvrir la bouche et le nez avec le coude  en cas d’éternuement ou de toux.

III. Surveillance physique et traitement médical

1. Prendre l'initiative de bien surveiller la santé de vous-même et des membres de la famille. Mesurer la température corporelle lorsque vous ressentez avoir une fièvre. S'il y a des enfants dans la famille, toucher leur front le matin et le soir pour vérifier s'il y a une fièvre. En cas de fièvre, mesurer la température corporelle tout de suite.

2. S'il y a des symptômes suspects, porter un masque et consulter un médecin près de chez vous. En cas de symptômes suspects de l'infection au nouveau coronavirus (y compris fièvre, toux, maux de gorge, oppression dyspnée, difficulté respiratoire, anorexie légère, fatigue, débilité légère, nausées et vomissements, diarrhée, maux de tête, palpitations, conjonctivite, douleurs musculaires des quatre membres et du dos etc.), il faut serendre à temps dans un établissement médical en fonction de votre condition. Eviter de prendre les transports en commun tels que le métro, le bus etc., et d'aller dansdes endroits où il y a du monde. Lors de votre consultation médicale, veuillez informer le médecin les antécédents de voyage ou de résidence dans les zones d'épidémie, et les personnes que vous avez contactées après avoir les symptômes pour faciliter les investigations.

IV. Maintenir de bonnes habitudes d'hygiène et de santé

1. Ouvrir fréquemment les fenêtres et maintenir une bonne ventilation de la maison

2. Ne pas partager les serviettes entre les membres de la famille, garder la propreté de la maison et des vaisselles, exposer au soleil fréquemment les vêtements et les couvertures.

3. Ne pas cracher pas partout, envelopper bien la sécrétion du nez et de la bouche avec du papier et les jetterà une poubelle couverte.

4.Faire attention à la nutrition et faire de l'exercice avec modération.

5. Ne contacter, acheter ou manger pas d'animaux sauvages (c'est-à-dire du gibier); Eviter d'aller aux marchés qui vendent des animaux vivants.

6. Préparer des matériaux tels que thermomètres, masques chirurgicaux médicaux ou N95, produits de désinfection domestique etc.


Governmental Information Russian Language


Инструкция по профилактике пневмонии,

вызванной коронавирусом нового типа




Пневмония, вызванная коронавирусом 2019-nCoV, является заболеванием нового типа.  Публика должна узнать об профилактике и проводить профилактические мероприятия.  Данная инструкция по профилактике пневмонии нового типа, подготовленная Китайским центром по контролю за заболеваниями и переведенная Государственной миграционной службой, предназначена для того, чтобы помогать иностранцам лучше узнать об этой пнемонии и ее профилатике.



  1. I. Максимально сокращать частоту выход на улицу.


  1. Избегайте посещения районов, где заболевание носит эпдемический характер.


  1. Рекомендуется сокращать посещение родных, гостей и банкеты, отдыхать дома в период предотвращения пневмонии и борьбы с ней.


  1. Лучше не посещать общественные места, особенно те с низкой подвижностью воздуха, как общественные бани, горячие источники, кинотеатры, интернет-кафе, KTV, торговые центры, станции, аэропорты, пристани, выставочные залы и так далее.



  1. II. Индивидуальная защита и гигиена рук


  1. Рекомендуется носить маску при выходе из дома. Носите медицинские хирургические маски или маски N95, если вам нужно выйти/выехать, обращаться за медицинской помощью, ездить на общественных транспортах.


  1. Поддерживать гигиену рук. Сокращайте контакты с предметами общего доступа и посещение общественных мест; мойте руку гелем для рук, мылом или спиртосодержащими моющими средствами после возращения из общественных мест, после кашля; избегайте контакта руки со ртом и носом в случае неуверенности в их чистоте; прикрывайте рот и нос локтем при чихании или кашле.



III. Медицинское наблюдение и лечение


  1. Активно проводить наблюдение за состоянием здоровья отдельных лиц и членов семьи, при сознательной лихорадке следует обращать внимание на свою температуру тела. В отношении малолетних детей, утром и вечером щупать их лоб, при лихорадке измерить температуру тела.


  1. Если есть подозрительные симптомы, вы должны по своей инициативе носить маску и обратиться за медицинской помощью. В случае появления подозрительных симптомов новой инфекции коронавируса (включая лихорадку, кашель, боль в горле, затрудненное дыхание, затрудненное дыхание, легкую анорексию, усталость, слабое психическое расстройство, тошноту и рвоту, диарею, головную боль, сердцебиение, конъюнктивит, легкую боль в конечностях или мышцах в поясницах и спинах и так далее) следует по состоянию своевременно обратиться в медицинское учреждение. И старайтесь избегать ездить на метро, автобусах и других транспортных средствах, не ходить в места массового скопления людей. При посещении врача следует по собственной инициативе сказать врачу об своем проживания или поездке в районе, где распространены соответствующие заболевания, а также о том, с какими людьми вы вступали в контакт после заболевания, помогая врачам в проведения соответствующего обследования.



  1. IV. Соблюдать правила гигиены и здорового образа жизни


  1. В жилых комнатах открываются окна, поддерживая постоянную вентиляцию.


  1. Не использовать совместно с другими членами семьи полотенца и посуду и прилежно сушить на солнце одежды и постельные принадлежности.


  1. Не плевать нигде, а пероральные и носовые выделения завернутые в бумажных салфетки, утилизировать в мусорном баке с крышкой.


  1. Обратите внимание на питание и умеренное занятие спортом.


  1. Не вступайте в контакт, не покупайте и не ешьте мясо диких животных (то есть дичь); постарайтесь не попасть на рынок продажи живых животных.


  1. В домашних условиях хранятся клинические термометры, медицинские хирургические маски или маски N95, бытовые дезинфицирующие средства и другие материалы.


Mitteilung der Regierung Deutsch


Prävention von durch das neue Coronavirus verursachten Lungenentzündungen



Die durch das neue Coronavirus verursachte Lungenentzündung ist eine neu aufgetretene Krankheit, die Öffentlichkeit sollte deshalb die Prävention verstärken. Um Ausländer auf das relevante Präventionswissen aufmerksam zu machen, hat die nationale Einwanderungsbehörde diese Richtlinien auf der Grundlage der Präventionstipps der chinesischen Zentren für Krankheitskontrolle und -prävention übersetzt und zusammengestellt.



Ⅰ. Reduzierung der Outdoor-Aktivitäten


  1. Vermeiden Sie Reisen in Gebiete, in denen die Krankheit verbreitet ist.


  1. Es wird empfohlen, die Besuche bei Verwandten und die Zahl der gemeinsamen Essen während der Zeit der Seuchenbekämpfung zu reduzieren. Es wird empfohlen, wenn möglich, zu Hause zu bleiben.


  1. Vermeiden Sie überfüllte öffentliche Plätze, insbesondere Orte mit schlechter Belüftung, wie z.B. öffentliche Bäder, heiße Quellen, Kinos, Internet-Cafés, KTVs, Einkaufszentren, Bahnhöfe, Flughäfen, Hafenterminals, Ausstellungshallen usw.


Ⅱ.Persönlicher Schutz und Handhygiene


  1. Es wird empfohlen, beim Rausgehen einen Mundschutz zu tragen. Tragen Sie medizinisch-chirurgische Masken oder N95-Masken, wenn Sie an öffentliche Orte, zu medizinischen Behandlungen und in öffentliche Verkehrsmittel gehen.


  1. Achten Sie auf die Hygiene Ihrer Hände. Vermeiden Sie, wenn möglich, Gegenstände im öffentlichen Raum zu berühren. Desinfizieren Sie Ihre Hände nach der Rückkehr von einem öffentlichen Ort, nach dem Husten, vor oder nach dem Essen, mit Handdesinfektionsmittel (ohne oder mit Alkohol) oder waschen Sie sie mit Seife und fließendem Wasser. Wenn Sie sich nicht sicher sind, ob Ihre Hände sauber sind, vermeiden Sie es, Nase, Mund und Augen zu berühren. Husten und Niesen Sie immer in ihre Armenbeuge.


Ⅲ.Gesundheitsüberwachung und medizinische Behandlung


  1. Bitte leisten Sie eine gute Arbeit bei der persönlichen und familiären Gesundheitsbeobachtung. Wenn Sie Fieber haben, führen Sie eine Temperaturmessung durch. Wenn Sie Kinder haben, berühren Sie bitte morgens und abends die Stirn des Kindes. Wenn Sie Fieber vermuten, messen Sie die Körpertemperatur.


  1. Wenn Sie verdächtige Symptome haben, sollten Sie einen Mundschutz tragen und rechtzeitig einen Arzt aufsuchen. Bei verdächtigen Symptomen einer neuen Corona Virusinfektion (u.a. Fieber, Husten, Halsschmerzen, Herzbeklemmung, Atemnot, leichte Appetitlosigkeit, Müdigkeit, Abgeschlagenheit, Übelkeit und Erbrechen, Durchfall, Kopfschmerzen, Herzklopfen, Bindehautentzündung, leichte Glieder- oder Taillenmuskelschmerzen usw.) sollten Sie je nach Zustand rechtzeitig einen Arzt aufsuchen. Vermeiden Sie, U-Bahnen, Busse und andere Verkehrsmittel zu nehmen. Vermeiden Sie es, sich an überfüllte Orte zu begeben. Wenn Sie einen Arzt aufsuchen, sollten Sie dem Arzt mitteilen, ob es eine Reise- und Aufenthaltsgeschichte in einer Gegend gibt, in der die Krankheit verbreitet ist und mit wem Sie seit Beginn der Erkrankung Kontakt aufgenommen haben. Bitte kooperieren Sie mit dem Arzt, um entsprechende Untersuchungen durchzuführen.


Ⅳ. Aufrechterhaltung guter Hygiene- und Gesundheitsgewohnheiten


  1. Öffnen Sie öfter die Fenster im Raum und lüften Sie häufig.


  1. Teilen Sie keine Handtücher mit Familienmitgliedern. Halten Sie Ihre Wohnung und Ihr Geschirr sauber. Trocknen Sie immer Ihre Kleidung und Bettdecken.


  1. Spucken Sie bitte nicht auf den Boden! Mund- und Nasensekrete sollten in Papiertaschentüchern eingewickelt in abgedeckten Mülleimern entsorgt werden.


  1. Achten Sie auf Ihre Ernährung und mäßige Bewegung.


  1. Berühren, kaufen und essen Sie keine wilden Tiere. Versuchen Sie zu vermeiden, auf Märkte zu gehen, die lebende Tiere verkaufen.


  1. Materialien wie ein Thermometer, medizinisch-chirurgische Masken oder N95-Masken und Haushaltsdesinfektionsmittel sollten Sie zu Hause vorrätig haben.


Governmental Notice





Questions and Answers by National Immigration Administration

Concerning Immigration and Exit-Entry Administration during the Period of Prevention and Control on Pneumonia caused by Novel Coronavirus





  1. Question: Are foreigners allowed to entry or exit as usual during the period of epidemic prevention and control?

Answer: The Chinese government has taken a series of strong measures since the outbreak of pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus. As President Xi Jinping stated, China has full confidence and capability to win the battle against the novel coronavirus outbreak. At present, except for the lockdown of the exit channel of Wuhan ports, all port visa agencies are operating as usual. Visa-free transit policy for foreigners are still effective. All land, sea and air ports of China are functioning. Foreigners can enter or exit as usual with their valid international travel documents.

At present, it is helpful to the epidemic prevention and control by reducing cross border movements. Foreigners could make reasonable travel arrangements to China  and stay or reside in China as usual. Due to entry restrictions adopted by some countries and regions, it is advised that foreigners who need to exit from  China, should learn in advance entry requirements of destination countries or regions to avoid financial and time losses in case of any entry refusals. Those who travel to countries or regions without entry restrictions, are advised to arrive at exit ports well ahead of departure time for necessary checks. Foreigners having fever with symptoms of acute respiratory infection such as cough or breathing difficulties, should avoid international travels and seek immediate medical treatment at the nearest hospitals. Information such as  recent activities as well as close contacts should be provided to relevant authorities for any necessary control measures.



  1. Questions: How do foreigners apply for visas, stay or residence permits during the period of epidemic prevention and control?

Answer: All exit-entry administration authorities (EEA) in China will be in full service for extension and issuance of visa andstay or residence permits to ensure foreigners' legitimate stay in China. Urgent services for emergency situations will also be provided.. To avoid crowds gathering risks, the EEA authorities will make arrangements for services on appointments. Foreigners could make appointments in advance for any applications. For those institutions which host high numbers of foreigners, such as universities, scientific research institutes and business enterprises, the EEA authorities will allow additional agent service or provide other necessary conveniences depending upon the situation



III. Question: How to deal with the situation that a foreigner’s visa, stay or residence permit expires during the epidemic prevention and control?

Answer: According to Exit and Entry Administration Law of the PRC, foreigners should exit China or apply for extension at the EEA authorities before the visa, stay or residence permit expires . In light of the relevant laws and regulations and current situation, those who are unable to exit as scheduled or extend the visas, stay or residence permits due to the reason of epidemic prevention and control shall be given a lighter or mitigated or be exempted from punishment by the EEA authorities depending upon circumstances.



  1. Question: What can foreigners do to cooperate during the epidemic prevention and control?

Answer: It is advised that foreign friends enhance sense of self-protection, avoid crowded public places andtake effective preventive measures. It is strongly suggested to actively cooperating with local communities and inviting entities to take preventive measures, abiding by relevant laws and regulations and following instructions of public security organs, NIA authorities, hygiene & health authorities. In case of having a fever with symptoms of acute respiratory infection such as cough or breathing difficulties, foreigners should report to the local communities, NIA authorities or hygiene & health authorities and cooperate actively in medical treatment and epidemic control. NIA authorities at all levels will work closely with relevant departments for the epidemic prevention and control toprovide consultancy to foreigners, assist in disease screening and diagnosis with medical departments as well as dealing with other difficulties and problems encountered by foreigners during their stay in China.



  1. Question: Are Chinese mainland residents allowed to exit or enter as usual?

Answer: At present, except for the lockdown of the exit channel of Wuhan ports, all land, sea and air ports of China are in normal service. Chinese mainland residents could exit or enter with their valid international travel documents. All immigration inspection agencies of NIA will continue to provide services and conveniences for Chinese nationals, and coordinate with relevant hygiene & health authorities to conduct necessary epidemic checks. In view of the epidemic prevention and control situation as well as entry restrictions adopted by some countries and regions, in order to ensure health and safety of travelers and maintain exit and entry order, it is advised that Chinese mainland residents make reasonable travel plans and avoid unnecessary financial and time costs. Based on currently available information, countries including DPRK, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Australia, ROK, Qatar, Japan, Vietnam, India, Britain, Indonesia, France, Myanmar, Italy, the United Arab Emirates, Sri Lanka as well as Hong Kong, Macao SAR and Taiwan region have adopted entry restrictions for travelers from  Chinese mainland. If travelers are in urgent need of exit from Chinese mainland, it is advised to make travel arrangements after consulting with relevant diplomatic representative agencies, airlines or the inviting entities of  the destination counties or regions




  1. Question: Could Chinese citizens apply for travel documents such as passports at the EEA authorities?

Answer: In order to ensure health and safety of Chinese citizens and foreigners, reduce risks of cross-border movements for the epidemic prevention and control, maintain normal exit and entry order, it is advised that Chinese mainland residents make reasonable travel plans, and postpone applications of travel documents unless in emergency. At present, the EEA of Hubei Province has suspended accepting travel documents applications from Chinese citizens. Normal services will be resumed according to the situation of the epidemic prevention and control. Application services are suspended in EEA of other provinces during Chinese Spring Festival holiday. Under normal circumstances, the application centers except for Hubei Province will be back into service after Chinese Spring Festival holiday.

Applicants could contact local EEA authorities in advance for further information about opening time of application centers and relevant requirements. To avoid crowds gathering andunnecessary  travels, applicants in need could confirm the time for submitting applications by online appointment, so that EEA authorities could provide better services and enhance efficiency. Applicants in urgent need for travel documents (including those in Hubei Province) could contact local EEA authorities at any time for urgent applications.



VII. Question: Are travelers allowed to exit and enter through ports of Wuhan?

Answer: Internatinal travelers can enter China through ports of Wuhan (referring to Wuhan Tianhe International Airport and Hankou ferry terminal ). Due to the lockdown of the exit channels of Wuhan ports, exits through any ports of Wuhan can only be permitted with approval.




VIII. Question: Could Chinese mainland residents go through e-channels as usual?

Answer: Some of immigration inspection agencies may close some e-channels for the moment due to current situation of the epidemic prevention and control. Under such circumstances, travelers should go through manual inspection channels. It is advised for travelers to follow instructions of NIA officers and go through border clearance formalities according to relevant regulations..

During the epidemic prevention and control period, immigration officers at manual inspection channels may work together with relevant authorities and take necessary preventive measures such as taking travels’ temperatures and making inquiries about travel itineraries and close contacts . Cooperation by the travelers will be appreciated., Immigration inspection agencies will make efforts to guarantee border inspection waiting time no more than 30 minutes for Chinese citizens at large ports and smooth border clearance for  foreign visitors.



  1. Question: How to deal with the situation that some travelers have already obtained endorsements to Hong Kong, Macao SAR and Taiwan region but cannot travel due to the epidemic?

Answer: At present, regional authorities of Hong Kong, Macao SAR and Taiwan region have conducted travel restrictions for  Chinese mainland residents. For those who have obtained endorsements to Hong Kong, Macao SAR and Taiwan region but fail to  enter within the validity of endorsements because of the epidemic, EEA authorities will, after clearance of the epidemic, issue the same type of endorsements with the same validity free of charge according to the holder’s wishes.



  1. Question: How to deal with the situation that travelers have suspicious symptoms?

Answer: If travelers have symptoms of acute respiratory infection, such as cough and breathing difficulties, they should suspend travels immediately, stay far away from the crowds and seek treatment at the nearest medical institutions. The NIA authorities will provide necessary assistance as well.



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