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Ningbo Smart TCM System launched online

With two photos taken by the mobile phone and the questionnaire answered, one can get a free Traditional Chinese Medicine report on one’s body constitution, as well as tips on diet and exercise. It is learned from Ningbo Health Service Information Center that recently, the smart TCM system has been launched online in the “Health Ningbo” applet of AliPay.

Five steps to get the body constitution report

Traditional Chinese medicine divides the human body constitution into nine types. In accordance with the constitution, diet and exercise plans can be arranged, which is greatly beneficial to health. However, many people are not sure what kind of constitution type they belong to. Recently, the information center has independently developed and constructed an algorithm model, which allows citizens to independently evaluate their TCM constitution through mobile devices.

According to Hu Xiayu, an engineer from the Application Promotion Department of the center, five steps should be in place.

Read more: Ningbo Smart TCM System launched online

2.04 million Ningbo residents have their own family doctors

Today is the fourteenth "World Family Doctor's Day". On the 17th, it was learned from a relevant meeting that Ningbo currently has 4040 signed family doctors, and the number of residents who have signed family doctors has increased from 150000 in 2015 to 2.04 million in 2023.

In 2011, Ningbo took the lead in implementing the pilot work of family doctor signing services. Starting from May 1, 2015, we fully implemented the family doctor system with the linkage of medical care, medical insurance, medicine, and medical pricing as the main symbols. In the past decade, more and more residents in Ningbo have had their own family doctors.

According to statistics, by 2023, the number of residents in Ningbo who have signed contracts with family doctors has increased from 150000 in 2015 to 2.04 million. 154 grassroots medical and health institutions in the city have formed a team of family doctors, with 4040

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Internet hospitals facilitate citizens’ life

With the rapid development of information technology, internet medical services have gradually integrated into the daily lives of Ningbo people. According to  “Ningbo Internet Hospital Development Forum” held on July 15, Ningbo has established 42 internet hospitals, and an increasing number of citizens are choosing internet hospitals for medical treatment.

The earliest internet medical services in Ningbo can be traced back to 2014. In September of that year, Ningbo took the lead in the country in launching the construction of a “cloud hospital”, exploring and practicing internet medical services. On March 11, 2015, the “Cloud Hospital” was officially launched and put into operation, being the first internet hospital in Ningbo. From then on, Ningbo residents began to experience a new model of medical treatment.

According to statistics, there are currently 42 internet hospitals in Ningbo, including six municipal hospitals, 25 county-level medical communities, and 11 private and other hospitals. In daily life, especially during the epidemic prevention and control period, 42 internet hospitals may provide online diagnosis and treatment, examination appointments, and other services to the public. By the end of this year, they have served over eight million people.

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Ningbo Original Drama Sketch Competition kicks off

On July 29th, the 2023 "One Person, One Art Cup" Ningbo Original Drama Sketch Competition was held at the Ningbo Yifu Theater. More than 10 programs selected and presented by cultural centers and relevant municipal units from 10 districts (counties, cities) in Ningbo competed on the same platform, showcasing the vitality of Ningbo's mass culture and art.

More than 10 unique and distinctive original works features a distinct sense of the times and a strong sense of life. The actors' wonderful performances have won applause from the audience.

It is reported that the Ningbo Original Drama Sketch Competition, along with the Original Drama and Quyi Competition, is a regular event held in Ningbo. The competition showcases the latest achievements in drama and sketch creation in Ningbo in recent years, and is an important platform for testing the level of drama and Quyi among the masses in Ningbo

“It's really worth the trip”

Italian doctors flew to Ningbo to learn acupuncture

“I learned a lot here and was exposed to a lot of TCM that I had never tried before. It's really worth the trip. Zion Levy said.

Zion Levy is from the University Hospital of Siena, Tuscany, Italy, and is a doctor with 30 years of experience in anesthesia. In mid-June, he and his colleague, orthopedic surgeon Nicola Mondanelli, came to Ningbo Second Hospital for exchange and study. The two-week study was short, but both doctors said they had benefited from bringing back their advanced technology and experience.

As an anesthesiologist, Zion Levy heard about acupuncture in China early on and was fascinated by it. “We have a clinical acupuncture anesthesia technique that was developed on the basis of acupuncture therapy in China.”

Read more: “It's really worth the trip”

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