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Priority of public transportation makes green travel

The seamless connection of subways, buses, and bicycles makes the public transportation extend to the "last mile", which makes green travel more convenient and efficient for citizens. Focusing on the overall plan and goals of urban traffic congestion management in Ningbo 2023, Ningbo will adhere to the green and low-carbon concept of traffic governance and transportation development, continue to deepen the promotion of a green transportation development indicator system mainly based on "subway + bus" and "bus + slow travel", encourage the use of green transport vehicles, and promote environmentally friendly and sustainable transportation development models.

It is learned that in the past decade, Ningbo has successively opened and operated Line 1, Line 2, Phase I of Line 3, Line 4, Phase I of Line 5, and the Yinfeng section of Intercity Rail Line 3.

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Ningbo explores "breathing services" for the elderly

with disability and dementia

From late spring to midsummer, Aunt Yuan, who lives in Lianhua Community, Jiaochuan Subdistrict, Zhenhai District, accompanied her husband Mr. Lin who was in a wheelchair and has been living at the Jiaochuan Subdistrict Home Care Service Center across from the community for 3 months. At the end of last year, a dedicated cognitive impairment home support center was opened on the fourth floor here, serving elderly people with signs of disability and dementia.

Generally speaking, 'disability' refers to the loss of self-care ability, while 'dementia' refers to the deterioration of brain functions such as memory, judgment, and cognition. The care for this group is precisely the most difficult part of elderly care, as the saying goes, “one person is disabled and the whole family is out of balance”.

Read more: Ningbo explores "breathing services"...


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