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Ningbo to build a tea culture park

According to Ningbo Municipal Afforestation Administration, Ningbo is planning to build a tea culture park on the tea plantation on the Fuquan Mountain in the scenic area of Dongqian Lake.

Ningbo has a long history in tea. In the Tang and Song dynasties, Ningbo was the starting point of the Tea Road on the Sea, where the tea culture was transmitted to eastern Asian countries. However, Ningbo does not have a place to display its tea culture.

According to the plan, the tea culture park of Ningbo shall be a place of interest and a cultural project as well, with such functions as tea production, R&D of tea technology, tea brand promotion and display of tea culture. To be specific, the park of tea culture should be a national-level demonstrative tea plantation, a national-level base of tea breed resource, a production area of the tea branded "Mingzhou Xianming", an important tourist resort in east Zhejiang and a science popularity and education base.

The total investment of the park will be about 100 million yuan. The initial projects for this program will be Ningbo Tea Museum, Exhibition Center of Teas, Ningbo Tea Research Institute, and the packing center of Mingzhou Xianming tea

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