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Privately-run Vocational Education Summit Forum Held in Ningbo

Nowadays it is a common phenomenon in China that on one hand it is diffcult for college grads to get employed and on the other it is hard for companies to employ enough people. To address such a problem, the third national summit forum for the privately-run vocational education was held in Xikou, Ningbo, on December 2nd. Professors from more than 50 vocational schools attended the forum in an effort to find out ways to develop vocational education. Experts from college and educational institutions of Japan, Germany and Korea also attended the forum.
The forum, first held in Zhejiang, China, was sponsored by the Ningbo Dahongying University, which is one of the three vocational colleges that have the qualifications for undergraduate education.
The attendees discussed on how vocational schools cooperate with enterprises, how public-run vocational schools and privately-run ones cooperate with each other and how vocational schools cooperate with their foreign counterparts. They agreed that it is necessary for privately-run vocational colleges to seek multi-cooperation and opening-up.

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