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Construction of provincial health emergency demonstration counties to be started

News came from Ningbo Public Health Conference held on February 21 that in 2012 the overall construction of emergency system will be carried out and the construction of provincial health emergency demonstration counties will be started throughout the city.

In June 2011, the on-site promoting meeting for constructing health emergency demonstration counties was held in Cixi County, and afterwards, Haishu District and Zhenhai District launched the construction of health emergency demonstration counties. So far, Jiangdong District, Jiangbei District, Yuyao County, Fenghua County, Ninghai County and Xiangshan County have all applied as the pilot units for the third round of constructing demonstration counties.

In accordance with the overall requirement of Ningbo Government to establish Ningbo Comprehensive Emergency Rescue Team, five municipal health emergency squadrons, including prevention and control of infectious diseases, poison control, first aid, medical rescue and psychological crisis intervention, have been founded. Meanwhile, such campaigns as major infectious diseases surveillance, food security risk surveillance and network medial public opinion surveillance have been launched systematically, which makes it possible to publish timely alerts and provide references for scientific decision making by early detection of abnormalities and symptoms of trouble. For year, in May last year, the surveillance system played an important role in the early detection and cause investigation of a communitive diarrhea event caused by mussel shellfish. Statistics show that in 2011, the whole city successfully handled 10 emergent public health events.

In 2012, to improve the health emergency capacity, Ningbo is to make efforts to strengthen the overall basic health emergency system construction. Meanwhile, the emergency professionals including disease prevention and control, health monitoring, medical rescue and psychological crisis intervention will be enriched and trained further. Relied on the public health emergency commanding system, the city will attach great importance to the research and development of the infectious diseases surveillance and alert system based on diagnosis and treatment information from medical institutions, aiming at the early detection and report of emergent events and the improvement of the surveillance and alert capacity

Number of present college students in Ningbo reached 145,000

It is learned from Ningbo College Work Conference held on February 21 that by the end of 2011, there had been 145,000 present college students in Ningbo, up by one third compared with that of 2005.

Since 2006, an annual special fund of 50 million yuan has been invested in building the service-oriented education system in Ningbo. By 2011, the per capital funding for students of higher vocational colleges had reached about 90% of that for undergraduates with the same major, and it will reach the same level within two year. The ratio between undergraduates and junior college students has become 60:40 in 2011 instead of 44:56 in 2005. The present graduate students in Ningbo reached 6282 people. In last year, in the ranking of comprehensive scientific research strength for universities in China issued by 2011 Chinese university appraisal group, Ningbo University ranked No. 99, marking a great breakthrough in the higher education history in Ningbo. Besides, the State Oceanic Administration of China and Ningbo People's Government have signed an agreement to co-build Ningbo University. Ningbo Polytechnic ranks among the first batch of state demonstration vocational colleges. Ningbo University of Technology is listed among the pilot universities for the "excellent engineers plan" by the Ministry of Education. Zhejiang Wanli University is defined as a pilot college for Master's degree graduates by the Academic Degree Committee of the State Council. Ningbo Nottingham University signed a four-part agreement with University of Nottingham, Ningbo Education Bureau and Ningbo Science & Technology Bureau to co-build the "International Doctoral Innovative Research Center".

By the end of 2011, there had been 11 state-level characteristic majors and three state demonstration majors for high vocational education. In terms of discipline construction, Ningbo University and Ningbo Nottingham University made the breakthrough of PhD granting.

It is proposed in the College Work Conference that the focus of the higher education development should be put on optimizing the talent cultivating patterns and improving the cultivating quality. Universities and colleges should adjust to the demand of economic and social development, as well as providing service for the transformation of economic development mode and industrial transformation and upgrading. In 2012, the committee of experts on science & technology work for universities and colleges in Ningbo will be set up, the university scientific and technological achievements transformation market and transformation center will be established, and Ningbo Institute of Higher Technology will be founded

Ningbo residents incomes grow by 70% in 5 years

Statistics show that in 2006, Ningbo had 8.8 cars per 100 urban households, whereas in 2011 the figure has reached 33.2 or one car for every three urban households.

Statistics from Ningbo Survey Team of National Bureau of Statistics show, in 2011, urban dwellers'per capita disposable income reached 34,058 yuan, up 12.9% on the year-on-year base. The rise of disposable income led to a rising consumption demand and capacity. Meanwhile, the per capita consumption expenditure of urban dwellers reached 21,779 yuan, up 12.1% year on year.
In contrast, in 2006, the per capita disposable income of urban dwellers stood at 19,694 yuan and the per capita consumption expenditure at 12,666 yuan. These statistics prove since 2006, both disposable income and consumption expenditure of urban residents have increased by 70%, reflecting a stable rising of living standard.

Generally, incomes of Ningbo urban residents consist of the following: wage income, which accounts for more than 60% of the total, income from operations, property income, including rent, interest, etc. and transfer income such as pensions, cash gifts and support for the elderly, etc. Last year, wage income saw a relative rapid increase, amounting to 7,422 yuan, a rise of 10,000 yuan more than the 15,000 yuan in 2006.

As expected, car ownership increases with income. According to the traffic department, car ownership in Ningbo hit 1,064,600 in 2011. Other high-end products and durables also became affordable for ordinary families. In 2006, the per capita expenditure on household appliances and services for urban residents was 787 yuan, while in 2011 this figure rose to 1181 yuan.
Statistics show that in 2011, urban dwellers' per capita expenditures on food rose to 8200 yuan, 3527 yuan more than in 2006, or an average annual increase of 11.9%

Ningbo promoting cooperation of vocational schools and enterprises

From Ningbo Education Commission, "easures of Promoting Cooperation of Vocational Schools and Enterprises of Ningbo Municipality" was recently adopted by Ningbo Municipal Government and it is put in effect from February 1.

In March 2009, Ningbo Municipality released the "Rules of Promoting Cooperation of Vocational Schools and Enterprises", then the only local government regulation in China on the cooperation of vocational schools and enterprises. Thanks to the Rules, over 1,000 enterprises established cooperative relation with the vocational schools of various kinds in Ningbo.

Aiming at the general negative attitude of some enterprises on the cooperation, the "Measures" stipulates a series of rules: to subsidize private vocational schools to buy insurance for students on practice so as to rid the enterprises of worries, to put aside special funds of 10 million yuan every year as subsidies for the schools and enterprises in cooperation, and to establish a joint meeting mechanism for vocation education to coordinate the solution of problems in question

Rapid developing education in Ningbo

Ningbo is substantially modernizing its education. As a program trusted by the Ministry of Education to Shanghai Institute of Education Sciences, the Report of Level of Modernization of Provinces and Quasi Provincial Cities of China 2011 was recently released. According to this report, Ningbo ranks No.4 of all the 15 quasi provincial cities, only next to Huangzhou, Nanjing, and Xiamen. For the index of quality of education, Ningbo ranks No.1, and for the indexes of educational fairness and security, it ranks No.2. The level of modernization of education is an important indicator of the level of modernization of country and an important foundation and drive for the modernization of a country. As an opening city on the east coast of China, Ningbo has made great efforts to modernize its education in the past five years and made notable progress in this respect. According to the Report, of all the 15 quasi provincial cities of China, Ningbo ranks No.1 for the index of quality of education, hitting 58.28 points. For the index of fairness in education, Xi'an ranks the highest and Ningbo occupies the second position. For the important index of education security, Ningbo occupies the second position, only next to Hangzhou for a difference of 0.5 points. From 2007 to 2011, the input in education in Ningbo has been rising on the yearly base and the rise is considerable. In 2007, the input in education was 10.760 billion yuan including 7.34 billion yuan by the state. In 2011, the two figures rose to 18 billion and 14 billion. This means that in the five years, the input Ningbo has made in education has risen by 7.3 billion yuan.

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