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Feast of intelligence will open on September 12

The preparations of the 4th Smart City Exposition, which will open on September 12th, are almost finished. Now, the exhibition rooms of three giant operators are under busy decoration. The floor is covered with lines with scientific sense; on the wall hang cloud-like panels; the robots are warming up now. 
This year's exposition consists of 4 major halls, including 10 theme exhibition sections, with a total area of 20,000 square meters. It will display smart traffic, smart communication, smart education, smart medical care, smart home furnishing, integration of IT application and industrialization, smart finance and smart energy.  No.1 exhibition hall will also display achievements of the provincial smart city pilot sites. 
Compared with the previous three, the specialization if this year's exposition has been improved. 11 central enterprises, 50 listed software companies and 1/3 top 100 software companies will attend the exposition. In addition to old friends like SAP and Oracle, this year giants like Neusoft, Wanda Information, ZTE, Chinasiwei, Aliyun and Huawei all appear in the list of attendees.

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