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Express train from Ningbo to Jinan will start in July

According to the railway department, the train map in China will be adjusted since July with the completion of Hefu(From Hefei to Fuzhou) and Hukun (From Xinhuang to North Guiyang). With the adjustment, an express train with T from Ningbo to Jinan will put into use.

With the completion of Hefu high-speed railway, the high-speed train from Beijing to Fuzhou is now possible. Now the high-speed trains from Shanghai and Hangzhou to Fuzhou and Xiamen has two options: one is the coastal railway from Hangzhou to Shenzhen via Ningbo. By this route, the train has to run on the 200km/h railway in most cases, and it will take about 6 hours to arrive at the destination. The other is Hukun railway to Shangyao in Jiangxi to Hefu high-speed railway. The train can run at the speed of 300km/h from Shanghai Hongqiao to Fuzhou. It will take only about 4.5 hours. It will only take 3 hours from Hangzhou to Fuzhou.


Another change is the completion of Hukun high-speed railway. From now on, people can travel directly from East Hangzhou to North Guiyang. It takes bout 7 hours. Presently, the high-speed train from Ningbo to South Changsha is planned since May 20. It is likely there will be train from Ningbo to North Guiyang. It will be more convenient for people to travel.

According to Jinan Railway Bureau, it will increase a pair of express train from Jinan to Ningbo T135/T136. While there are about 8 pairs of high-speed train from Ningbo to Jinan now. With the adjustment, the trains along the route might be reduced. The new trains will fill the blank

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