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Special Drugs Included into Critical Illness Insurance Program of Ningbo

It’s learned from Ningbo Municipal Human Resources & Social Security Bureau on Oct. 26 that Ningbo announced a decision to issue The Supplement to Critical Illness Insurance System. According to The Supplement, Ningbo will expand its healthcare insurance system to build the Special Drugs Insurance System and include 15 highly expensive drugs which are used for the treatment of cancer, leukemia and other illness. 
The Special Drugs Insurance System will go into effect from January 1, 2015 and from then on, there’s no need for individuals to pay for these 15 special drugs.
Anti-carcinogens are quite essential to those people that are suffering from cancer. However, these drugs always tend to be very expensive, thus posing a big pressure on the patients’ families. 
Ningbo includes 15 highly expensive drugs which are used for the treatment of gastric cancer, breast cancer, leukemia and other critical illness into the Special Drugs Insurance System. This is really a piece of good news for the patients’ families.
These 15 drugs are as follows: Imatinib Mesylate Capsules, Pemetrexed disodium for Injection, Gefitinib Tablet, Doxorubicin Hydrochloride Liposome Injection, Cetuximab, Decitabine for Injection, ATG-Fresenius S, Herceptin, NovoSeven, Mabthera, Remicade, Fosrenoe, Nimotuzumab lnjection, Somatuline and Teriparatide Injection.
The above expensive anti-carcinogens can’t be reimbursed before. However, once the healthcare costs on these special drugs exceed the deductible, patients can get reimbursements at present. 
The reimbursements patients can get are based on their total costs of buying the special drugs that are listed in the Special Drugs Insurance System in a civil year. The details are as follows: a) If the cost is between 20,000 Yuan to 50,000 Yuan( 50,000 included), then the reimbursements is 50% of the cost; b) If the cost is between 50,000 Yuan to 100,000 Yuan( 100,000 included), then the reimbursements is 55% of the cost; c) If the cost is between 100,000 Yuan to 500,000 Yuan, then the reimbursements is 60% of the cost; d) If the cost is over 500,000 Yuan, then the exceeded part shall be paid by the patients themselves. The highest reimbursement will be no more than 28, 2500 Yuan.

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