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Ningbo striving for a city strong in modern logistics

As an important port city, Ningbo is appointed one of the 21 nodal logistic cities of China. In recent years, Ningbo has developed both the hardware and software logistic facilities, and basically turned itself into a traffic artery of the country. At the cost of over 100 billion yuan, Ningbo has built some large infrastructural traffic facilities like the Hangzhou Bay Bridge, the Yong-Tai-Wen Railway and the Zhoushan Mainland-Island Link.

In the first year of the 12th Five-Year-Plan Period, Ningbo gave greater emphasis on modern logistic industries and set its targets that Ningbo should build a modernized logistic system that is capable of stretching its service scope to the region of the Changjiang River Delta, the middle and western parts of the country and connecting to other logistic systems of the world. On the understanding of the importance of a modern logistic network, in the following five years, Ningbo will go on improving the transport network to build a comprehensive traffic system, promote the construction of a transportation network with the port as its backbone, and improve the comprehensive traffic network. It will speed up the construction of such projects as the circle network of freight and passenger railways and the Yong-Jin Railway, so as to realize the seamless connection of the urban transportation network and the transporting and distributing network

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