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Ningbo Mobile Internet Conference 2015 focus on We-business

With the rapid development of mobile internet, business on Wechat and Microblog is booming now. Take a picture and share with your friends, is it likely to close a deal? On the afternoon of May 13, the 2nd Mobile Internet Conference was held. Big names like COO of WeLeague Fan Xin, and co-founder of WeMedia Fangyu shared their ideas about the future of We-business with We-business creators.
The mobile internet conference, sponsored by Ningbo Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau, Ningbo Daily Group, China Ningbo Network, Ningbo E-commerce Business Promotion Association and Ningbo WeLeague, will focus on We-business. 
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times", the famous quote from A Tale of Two Cities will be the best description for the current time where We-business lives.In 2014, the number of We-businesses exceeded 1.5 m, with its sales totaling 1.5b. We-commerce has almost achieved what Alibaba did for 8 years. The We-business is just at the start stage, with problems as well as opportunities. 

The problems of We-commerce mainly include problems of brands, agencies and teams. When they nose the business opportunities on the We-media, they all tried to catch it. Some even put aside their Taobao and Tmall stores. As Fang Yu, co-founder of WeMedia, said that although both are online business, We-commerce is quite different from Taobao. 
"We-businesses started later. They lack experience in data management, team management and running modes. They have no training system, no corporate culture cultivation. They are not good at marketing on mobile internet" said Fang Yu.
However, there are also great opportunities for We-businesses. According to Fan Xin, it is likely to develop We-business quickly as long as you can base your business on integrity and customers. Try to make use of big data, expand your friends'circle. And build a good relationship with your customers

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