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Intime purchased Romon U City'shopping center

On September 28th, Romon U City declared that it has signed asset transfer contract with Intime Group. Romon U City will transfer its shopping center with 229,300 square meters to Zhejiang Intime at the price of 1.037billion yuan. 
Romon U City is located in the Southern Business Center of Ningbo. With the contract, Intime will be entitled to purchase part of U City's commercial property. Currently, Intime has no shopping center in Ningbo. Their participation in the U City will help to expand its shopping center business in Ningbo. The boarder of directors are optimistic about the business potential of the shopping center and they all agree that this purchase will strengthen Intime's competitiveness, increase its share in Zhejiang market and improve the overall finance of the group.
Statistics show that the U City Complex include Romon U City Shopping Center, Romon U Fairyland, commercial street, an apartment hotel and a Hilton Garden Hotel. Now the construction of these projects are underway.  

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