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The Happy Run team in Jiangbei District

A group of runners from the Meizhu branch of Happy Run in Yongjiang Street, Jiangbei District ran happily along the fitness trails next to the Jiangbei River the day

before yesterday. It was the ending part for “one hundred days for half marathon in alternate one weeks”, during which every participant ran a half marathon daily for one week, in relays for 100 days.


The activity was among the similar launched by the enthusiastic runners to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party. In addition, Happy Run also held it to mark the 4th anniversary of their establishment.


The Meizhu branch was said to have a regular run every Tuesday on the theme of “bravely love, happily run”. The club currently contains over 100 members, including 6 couples, which makes couple run and family run a feature of it. Their common hobby enables the runners to reap health and friendship. As their ability improves, many of them tried to run marathons

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