Pig Roast this Saturday (not Friday!)
- Details
- Category: Ningbo News
- Published: Monday, 07 November 2011 20:46
By Matthew Galat
I know that I said Friday before.. but please know the pig roast is this Saturday…. Not Friday….. same great party.. just one day later. :)
Join Asia English and La Maison as we hold an all you can eat and drink pig roast Friday! Tickets are only 100 RMB, which includes beer, pig, and food. You can’t beat it. So come on down, enjoy some friends, fun and food, and kick off your weekend right!
So tell your friends, and lets all have a great time together!
The pig will be roasted by Erich from Cup O’Joe in Beilun. He is no stranger to roasting a good pig, if you are interested in seeing how his last roast went; check out the pictures here Event Details:
Where: La Maison (http://www.asiaenglishonline.com/page/lamaison) (located in Yue Hu Cheng Yuan, the shopping center with the costa coffee, outside of the southeast corner of Moon Lake)
When: 5:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Cost: tickets are only 100 RMB, and include unlimited Coors Light beer, drinks, all you can eat roast pig with fixins as well as some great dessert.
For other event details check out the event page (http://www.asiaenglishonline.com/pageevents/1/3/pig-out-pig-roast-at-la-maison/tab_id/60000822).
Send this on to anyone interested! The more the merrier!
来自北仑Cup O’Joe咖啡店的Erich到时会来为我们做烧烤。他有着很多烤猪的经验,如果你有兴趣看看他之前是怎么烤猪的,可以看下这些照片。
地点: 乐美颂(http://www.asiaenglishonline.com/page/lamaison)(在月湖盛园,入口处有Costa Coffee,在月湖的东南方向)
时间: 下午5:30-晚9:00
费用:仅100元,包括无限畅饮的美国银子弹啤酒和其他各种饮品,无限量自助烤猪和各种沙拉、水果等等 以及各种餐后甜点。