Policy for new energy car decided

Category: Ningbo News
Published: Wednesday, 29 April 2015 10:13

Ningbo will provide the new-energy car buyers with the same amount of subsidy offered by the central finance. It means buyers of new-energy cars will have double subsidy from both the central and local government. According to the Municipal Bureau of Science and Technology, the policies for new-energy cars in Ningbo will soon be published. 
According to the policies, the local finances of municipality, Haishu, Jiangdong and Jiangbei will provide the same amount of subsidy as the central finance to the car manufacturers or sellers since January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2015. Car manufacturers or sellers will sell the cars to the consumers at the price after deducting the subsidy. The maximum subsidy from the state and Ningbo will not exceed the 50% of the total price. It means, the buyers don't have to pay for it in advance like "Household Appliance Going Rural". 
It is learned that three requirements must be met for the successful application: the new-energy car has been included in the recommended catalog of energy-saving or new energy car; it has been recorded in the promotion and application office of new energy cars in Ningbo; sold in Ningbo. 
Currently, experts think the new energy cars will mainly be used and popularized in public utilities like bus, taxi, logistics lorries and sanitary cars. When the supporting facilities come of age, private car buyers will become the main force.