Ningbo will implement contractual family doctor service

Category: Ningbo News
Published: Tuesday, 16 September 2014 10:02

According to the Municipal Health Bureau, the implementation of contractual family doctor service is an important part of the further reform of the Municipal Government. The Municipal Health Bureau has drafted Suggestions about Implementing the Family Doctor Service System. Its major content is to formulate long-term policy insurance system, speed up the implementation of family doctor service, promote hierarchical medical care and alleviate the pressure of large hospitals. 
Since September 2011, Ningbo has begun the pilot family doctor service. By the end of June 2014, Ningbo has 151 community health service centers. 3472 general practitioners, 587,000 households and 1.223 million people have signed the contractual family doctor service.  
According to the plan, under the contractual family doctor service system, the medical care will be paid by per capita, contractual and non-contractual people will have different medical insurance policies, and the system will embody the technical labor value of the medical staff.
It is suggested that the municipal government should place the emphasis of financial health on medical care at the grass roots, strengthening the grass-root health service system construction, and promoting the service quality of the grass-root medical institutions by implementing contractual family doctor service system.