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Zhejiang People's Tour of Dongqian Lake Launched

On March 28, "Spring of Dongqian Lake "-Zhejiang People's Tour of Dongqian Lake was launched in the Dongqian Lake Wetland. The first tour group with about 200 people from 5 cities including Hangzhou, Shaoxing, Huzhou, Taizhou, and Ningbo participated in the event. They walked around the wetlands in the morning, dined by the lake at noon, and visited Hanling Old Street in the afternoon and visited the Putuo Scenic Area.

It is reported that the " Spring of Dongqian Lake ", Zhejiang People's Tour Dongqian Lake event, aims to help restore the vitality of the service industry market, and to convey the concept of sports and healthy life to the public. At the same time, the launch of "Spring of Dongqian Lake" tourism products, including four live sports and leisure micro tourism products, such as Lohas sailing and lake tour, Lohas golf tour, Lohas around the lake challenge tour, Lohas cloud walking tour, etc. One can experience a light travel in Dongqian Lake within only 1 to 2 days.

According to reports, Dongqian Lake will launch a spring tourism theme activity "Twenty Items". Visitors can climb up the mountain to pick tea, sail sailing, make Maci(a local delicacy), dig bamboo shoots, and appreciate cuckoos, and experience the special spring of Dongqian Lake. At the same time, it also planned a series of tourism products such as Dongqian Lake Spring Day Recuperation, Dongqian Lake small and micro tourism, mountain forest lake and sea line travel, etc., to drive consumption and gather popularity

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