General plan of Meishan approved

Category: Ningbo District
Published: Thursday, 08 December 2011 01:48

According to Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Urban Planning, the General Plan for Meishan Port City 2010-2030 was officially approved.

In 2008, at the approval of the State Council, Ningbo Meishan Free Trade Zone became the fifth free trade port of China. In recent years, Meishan Island has concentrated on the development of the port trade. Today, the port is teamed with container ships.

However, great changes will take place in Meishan in the time to come. In the next 20 years, the functionality of Meishan as a port will be transformed. It will be turned into a port city, a city of free trade port and a city beautiful for living and recreation.

The new functionality of Meishan Island is that it should be an "experimental area of free trade of China", and demonstrative area of shipping and modern logistic services in the Changjiang River Delta, a leading area for the emerging industries of marine economy of Zhejiang and a new urban area of Ningbo the modern international port city.

The area of Meishan Island is 38.3 sq km. In the future, Meishan Island will go on making uses of its advantageous port resources to develop various industries and in particular, it will make uses of its marine resources to turn itself into holiday resort.

At the south end of Meishan Island, a 7-star hotel will be built, together with a comprehensive public wharf, a yacht holiday resort, an outdoor water park and an indoor tropical park