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Diary of Janet Huang (Huang Jianing) 28-12, 2011- 08-01,2012


December 28,2011
The bone-piecing result turned out not so good with more BAD blood cells and LOW WBC so they gave me the special injection and would do a new chemotherapy tomorrow. I lived aside the window bed again to enjoy the sunshine. Daddy didn’t allow me to go outside thus I could only lie down reading and doing DIY. I could occasionally stand watching views outside. All I saw was some bared winter trees and brown leaves blown by the wind floating in the air. All I heard was squeaky window sound. How time flies! 2011 will die and 2012 will be born. I think I suffered enough bitterness these 2 years and I wish to enjoy the sweetness in the coming year. I miss my school and I am eager to go back.



December 29,2011
I started my chemotherapy again. They were sterilizing the ward with the ultraviolet which is harmful to human body so all the people went outside and I went to next door with the saline water. There are 3 patients in our ward and we are very weak, so they do the sterilizing every day for more than half an hour unless there is somebody in fever. I felt okay today and drank a lot of water to help the liver and kidney to release the detoxification. I carefully obey every command of the doctors and nurses hoping to leave the hospital soon.

2011年12月30日 宁海白血病孩子黄佳宁的病房日记

December 30,2011
“How long will the chemotherapy last?” I asked the chief doctor this morning when he came to check my bed. “It will last longer for 14 days since the dose is lighter.” He replied. Oh my Lady GaGa! It lasts only 5-7 days before, but it doubled this time. It seems no hope to celebrate Chinese New Year at home… “The period would be shorten if your WBC increase fast.” He encouraged me. All right then, wish God bless me!

2011年12月31日 宁海白血病孩子黄佳宁的病房日记

December 31,2011
2011 will be finished in a few more hours. During this year I gained many and lost much as well. I had one-month of school just to listen and write without labor or sports. Anyway, I still cherished that chance and was active to recite passages. I even went to school one day before the operation. I experienced loneliness and pain in the bacteria-free room; I felt joy after marrow operation; I suffered sorrow of the recurrence; and I received help from the society. Though I lost the treasure time, I gain caring and courage in return. May the good luck bless me and wish everybody a happy new year!

January 1
This is the first day of the year and there are 3 holidays. Two years ago I was home preparing the Final Examination while now I was hoping: to find my perfect marrow match; to finish the chemotherapy and to begin the operation soon; to be smooth and healthy after treatment; to live happily with my family. This is the 4th day of the chemotherapy and there are 10 days left. Wish every day a smooth day without any infection and fever even with the low cells. If not, I could only have Daddy to accompany me during the Spring Festival since Mummy has to accompany my little brother. Don’t let me stay in the hospital, PLEASE! They say New Year brings the good luck, I really believed in it! May happiness and healthiness fly to everybody’s home!

白血病孩子--黄佳宁的病房求救日记 2012年1月2日
我站在窗边傻傻地望着窗外,一棵矮小的树锁定了我的眼睛,针状的叶子搭拉着脑袋,大多的叶子都已泛黄,而旁边的几棵相同的小树则青翠欲滴。我正在想:这棵小树,你怎么啦?难道你耐不住严寒?我好奇地顺着树干往下看,原来在离地面半米左右的地方一大块数皮没有了,露出了白色的树干。我可伶的小树,你一定很疼吧?是谁对你下了毒手?古话说:人怕伤心树怕伤皮。如果一棵树被剥了皮,它就会慢慢地死去。因为树皮能将树根吸收的养分和水传送到树的全身各处,一旦树皮被破坏,远离树根的树冠就得不到营养和水份,当阳光照射后,树冠的水分蒸发消失后,小树就会缺水而死。一棵幼小 的生命即将结束。我对小树说:你千万不能倒下,你要像我一样坚强,勇敢地面对困难的挑战。小树我为你加油!希望你比旁边的树长得更高、更大。
January 2
I was standing along the window and staring outside. A short tree caught my eyes. Its needle-like leaves withered while the other tree leaves alive. I wondered what happened to this tree. Is it too cold? I looked down and realized it lost its skin. How painful it must be! As the old saying goes: It’s cruel to hurt people’s heart or tree’s skin. It will soon die without its skin for it will loose all its nutrition and water. “Don’t give up and live firmly as me.”I said to the poor little tree. “Bravely face the challenge and I am with you! May you grow taller and bigger.”

白血病孩子--黄佳宁的病房求救日记 2012年1月3日
January 3
I made a new friend from HangZhou and I call her Sister TingTing. She’s 12 years old and always encourages and blesses me. From her text message I know her grandpa also suffered the Leukemia last year and passed away very soon. She was full of sorrow and refused to communicate with the others. She began to change ever since she read my passage on the newspaper. She tried to learn from me and was focus on preparing the final examinations. She invited me to view the West Lake. I would never consider of effecting the others for my firm was originated from the others. May this Sister have a pleasing score and live as happily as before. Mummy once told me: “One would be changed by the environment and be destroyed by the obstacle, and it depends on one’s attitude. Everyone is a superman when they use the right attitude.

--黄佳宁的病房日记 2012年1月4日
January 4
I had sore eyes for more than 2 days but nothing abnormal was diagnosed. I found lots of little rashes in my left eye corner and was diagnosed as Herpes. Usually it grows in the nerve and looks like heat rashes but is very painful. It grows in the back, face or neck mostly. The lady in our ward said her granddaughter had it on her face and was ouch to starve. Even eyes and mouth tilt to the rash position. I got sour and pain in the teeth and neck for it connects with the nerve. I dare not to wash my face in order not to remove the medicine. I could hardly touch my ache muscle. How unlucky of me to suffer both the chemotherapy and rashes at the same time!

黄佳宁的病房日记 2012年1月5日
January 5
I got swollen left face and right eye as well as sore left hair skin and teeth gum. Doctor listed 2 pieces of consultation sheet telling me to check the eye and skin. The optician gave me a bottle of eye drop and the dermatologist gave me some ointment and bottles of saline water. She noticed me it would last 10 days. Mummy told me Ms. Chen the homeroom teacher of Grade 4 bought my little brother some milk powder and Chen XiaoChao the Class 6 monitor of ZheJiang University NingHai branch raised the donation for me. She knew my situation from a girl of our town who believed in Jesus. She regarded me and encouraged me to be strong, brave and healthy! What a cruel society that nothing is possible without money while what a merciful community that I received so much food, clothes, money and blessing. 

黄佳宁的病房日记 2012年1月6日
January 6
I was standing aside the window and watching the trees outside. They were coated with the white paint. I was curious and asked Daddy. He told me with a smile: “You do have sharp eyes. That white paint is alkalic lime water considered as an effective sterilizer. It protects trees from pests in the fall while it reflects the sunshine in the summer. It does help the trees grow healthily. Knowledge lies everywhere if we have the desire to learn.

黄佳宁的病房日记 2012年1月7日
January 7
My eye doesn’t hurt so much now but the skin of the eye and hair still ache. Doctor gave me another bottle of saline and it won’t be finished tonight thus I couldn’t have a nice sleep. Three more days for the chemotherapy and I pray for no infection or fever thus I could go back home soon.

黄佳宁的病房日记 2012年1月8日
January 8
I finished the saline at 5 am this morning and didn’t sleep at all thus my eye is so swollen that I just want to close it. Nurse gave me 2 needles this time try to finish it before midnight to let me sleep. Daddy bought me a duck and put it in the microwave. I ate up 2 legs, 2 wings, and 2 palms. It was so delicious that I wish to have another one tomorrow, but Daddy promised me for next time. The Chinese New Year was accessing and I am more and more worried.

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