Flight from Ningbo to Lijiang via Xingyi will fly since Oct.

Category: Ningbo Business
Published: Tuesday, 07 October 2014 10:16

According to Lishe International Airport, it will start the flight from Ningbo to Lijiang via Xingyi on October 16th. The flight schedule is every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. The specific time: departure time in Ningbo: 13:20, arrival time in Xingyi 16:00; departure time in Xingyi: 16:40, arrival time in Lijiang 17:55. From Lijiang to Ningbo: departure time in Lijiang: 8:10, arrival time in Xingyi: 9:25; departure time in Xingyi: 10:02, arrival time in Ningbo: 12:30.
It is learned that this flight is an "air assistance gallery", aiming to promote the assistance projects in Xingyi, which is located in the joint area of Guizhou, Yunnan and Guangxi, and is also the capital of Buyi Monority Autonomous Prefecture. Xingyi has been aided by Ningbo for years.